Mary DeMocker | The Sun Magazine

Mary DeMocker

Mary DeMocker, the author of The Parents’ Guide to Climate Revolution, is convinced we can still build a healthy and just future. She lives in Eugene, Oregon, where she enjoys singing in three-part harmony around a campfire.

— From February 2019
The Sun Interview

Before It’s Too Late

Mary Christina Wood On Avoiding Climate Disaster

Our choice is clear: ignore the crisis and be swept up in a cycle of accelerating disaster, or manage a rapid decline of fossil-fuel use to avert the worst.

February 2019
The Sun Interview

If Your House Is On Fire

Kathleen Dean Moore On The Moral Urgency Of Climate Change

Every decision that we make — about where we find information, where we get food, what we wear, how we make our living, how we invest our time and our wealth, how we travel or keep ourselves warm and sheltered — is an opportunity for us to express our values both by saying yes to what we believe in and by saying no to what we don’t believe in.

December 2012
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