Issue 191 | Contributors | The Sun Magazine


October 1991


Dan Barker lives in Portland, Oregon, with his wife Cynthia. He runs the Home Gardening Project, a nonprofit organization that provides full vegetable gardens to residents of Portland’s inner city. Barker leaves shortly for an extended stay in the desert, where he’ll begin his second novel, Back in the World.


Paul L. Holte lives in Waupaca, Wisconsin.


David Kunin lives in New Haven, Connecticut, where he works in a day-care center. “Reality Fire” is his first published work.


Kay Marie Porterfield lives in Denver, Colorado. She is the author of five books of nonfiction on addictions and relationships. Her fiction has appeared in Redbook, and her poetry in a number of literary magazines. Her current passions include shamanic drumming, weight lifting, and Vietnamese coffee.


Donald Ray-Schwartz lives in Omaha, Nebraska, where he is an instructor at Peru State College. His plays have been produced in regional and national theaters. Greenwood Press is publishing his biography of Lillian Russell, and he has recently completed the libretto for a one-act musical based on the life of Haym Salomon. Schwartz is presently at work on a novel.


Bertha Rogers lives on a farm in the Catskill Mountains of New York. A book of her poems, Sleeper, You Wake, has just been published by the Edwin Mellen Press.


Robert Roth is editor of And Then. He lives in New York City.


Sy Safransky is editor of The Sun.


Thomas Timmins spent twelve years in the tofu industry, and is currently developing a vegetable protein sausage to market to Taiwanese Buddhists. His poems have appeared in The Exquisite Corpse, Lynx, and Poets On. His poems in this issue are drawn from a longer work in progress.


On The Cover

John Kay is a poet, photographer, and teacher.


Sy Safransky

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T.L. Toma

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Carolynn Schwartz

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