Issue 273 | Contributors | The Sun Magazine


September 1998


Poe Ballantine lives in Hays, Kansas.


Jessica Anya Blau lives in Santa Barbara, California, with her husband and two young daughters. A long time ago, after graduating from college, she worked at the famous (now defunct) San Francisco department store I. Magnin, where she was known as Miss Jessica. She is in search of a publisher for her second novel, Navigating Rape.


Mitchell Clute’s poems have appeared in Black Warrior Review, Southern Poetry Review, and Denver Quarterly. He lives in Boulder, Colorado.


Derrick Jensen is in search of a publisher for his most recent book, A Language Older than Words. He lives in Crescent City, California.


Alison Luterman is still living in Oakland, California, and still driving the same beat-up Toyota with one window missing.


Pat MacEnulty teaches literature and creative writing at Florida State University. Her stories, poems, articles, and memoirs have appeared in Crescent Review, Flint Hills Review, and California Quarterly. She lives in Tallahassee, Florida.


Elaine Walters Mcferron lives with her husband in Norfolk, Virginia, where she divides her time between writing, reading, and her psychotherapy practice.


Parker J. Palmer is a writer and traveling teacher whose latest book is The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life (Jossey-Bass). He serves as senior advisor to the Fetzer Institute and as senior associate of the American Association of Higher Education.


Mark Smith-Soto is a Costa Rican American poet, translator, and professor of Spanish at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He also edits the International Poetry Review. His work has appeared most recently in Sparrow, Quarterly West, and Poetry East.


On The Cover

Photographer Mark Townsend recently traveled to Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina to “find out what’s out there, and what it looks like.” He lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.


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