Most Americans haven’t heard of the Media Foundation or its magazine Adbusters: Journal of the Mental Environment, but each day, more and more people get hit by one of its “mindbombs.” That’s what Kalle Lasn — editor of Adbusters and cofounder of the Media Foundation — calls the organization’s “subvertisements”: advertisements aimed at subverting consumer culture.

Nearly everyone is familiar with Joe Camel, the cartoon camel used by RJ Reynolds for ten years to sell cigarettes — especially to children, critics said. In response, Lasn’s Media Foundation gave us Joe Chemo, a bald camel lying in a hospital bed with IVs in both arms. Another cigarette-ad parody showed a Marlboro Man look-alike smoking a limp cigarette over the caption “Smoking Causes Impotence.” Still other counterads have taken on alcohol (a battered child seen through a vodka bottle, with the caption “Wipe That Smirkoff”), food monopolies, the fashion industry, and consumer culture in general.