The copper is the easiest, isn’t it, vandal? You can clear the whole house with a hammer and a hacksaw. Start in the basement at the water heater. If the property has been properly winterized, the water will be shut off, and even if it hasn’t been, it takes hours for a basement to flood and days for someone to notice. (Just make sure the power is off, for real. In April they found a fried vandal in a cellar in Pontiac, Michigan, his body bobbing as high as the window well.) The hacksaw can handle the pipe — not cleanly, but you don’t need it to be clean. For the wire, take the hammer to any electrical outlet and follow it from there. There’s no elegance to it. You might want to bring a dust mask for the sheetrock. With copper hitting three and a quarter this summer, you can make a couple of grand a house, especially if it’s one of those two-thousand-square-foot suburban boxes. There are dirtier ways to spend a night’s work.