These are some of the letters we’ve received in response to our appeal (see below).

Our profound thanks to those who have sent in subscriptions, gift subscriptions, and gifts.

— Ed.


Forgive me my fickleness, but I’ve decided once again to renew. If I have to skip a meal or two, or even a tank of gas, by God, it’s certainly worth it.

John Evaskovich
Albuquerque, New Mexico


The perfection of the last issue helped me decide THE SUN is a necessity rather than an extra. I enjoy the company I’m keeping through THE SUN. I’m especially grateful to Jean Kearns Brown for her clear articulation of a viewpoint I share. Always glad, too, to hear what David Spangler is doing — he seems to have a good handle on all this New Age energy. After I finished reading this issue (58), I had one of those rare and gratifying experiences of seeing what this business of being human is about and rejoiced to be a part of it. Thank you for bringing all this together.