Every universe is an ejaculation! 
Every sun is an ejaculation! 
Every earth is an ejaculation! 
Every being is an ejaculation! 
Women ejaculate babies!
Girls ejaculate breasts!
Boys are ejaculations that ejaculate!
Men ejaculate six million ejaculations per orgasm! 
Everyone alive ejaculates their corpse!
Everything we eat is an ejaculation!
Fruit and vegetables are ejaculations!
Trees are ejaculations — they burst up and collapse 
                         in a speeded-up movie of time!
Every leaf is an ejaculation!
The earth ejaculates wildflowers every spring! 
The sea is a continual ejaculation!
Look at the youth surfboarding the orgasms! 
Every cloud is an ejaculation!
Every lightning is an ejaculation!
Every drop of rain or snow is an ejaculation! 
Every sunrise is an ejaculation!
Every waterfall is an ejaculation!
Every meteor is an ejaculation!
Every mountain is an ejaculation!
Every grain of sand is an ejaculation!
Every second that passes is an ejaculation!
This universe has been ejaculating 100 billion years! 
Scientists listen by radio telescope
                         to the Big Bang’s orgasmcry!
Every word spurts from our mouth!
Every book, symphony, statue, painting, film,
                         house, car, plane, ship, train
                         ejaculates from some brain!
Every exclamation point is an ejaculation! 
Every inhalation and exhalation
                         is an ejaculation!
Every shit is an ejaculation!
Every spaceship is an ejaculation!
Every nation is an ejaculation!
Every religion is an ejaculation!
Every Bible is an ejaculation!
Every Savior is an ejaculation!
I calculate ejaculate ululates through All! 
Show me anything that’s not an ejaculation!