Issue 270 | Contributors | The Sun Magazine


June 1998


Poe Ballantine is greasy, narrow faced, and extremely intractable, and goes around with a fishbowl on his head. He lives at the Old Sunset Motel in Hays, Kansas.


Margaret Hutton received an M.F.A. from George Mason University, where she was awarded the position of Heritage Writer. She lives in Arlington, Virginia.


Joseph J. Landry is a happily married hairdresser living in Worcester, Massachusetts.


Jennie Litt’s fiction has appeared in Indiana Review, the Blue Moon Review, and Fireweed. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, and is currently at work on a novel.


Stephen J. Lyons is completing a book of essays titled Have a Kokopelli Day, and Other Bad Western Dreams. He lives in Washington State but works in Idaho.


Thomas Moore is the author of several books, including Care of the Soul (HarperCollins). His book Soul of Sex is forthcoming from HarperPerennial.


Marc Petersen is a poet who is trying to figure out his past. He lives in Santa Clara, California.


Alison Seevak lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she teaches poetry to fourth- and fifth-graders.


David Steinberg is a writer, editor, and publisher who lives in Santa Cruz, California. His books include Erotic by Nature: A Celebration of Life, of Love, and of Our Wonderful Bodies (Red Alder Books) and The Erotic Impulse: Honoring the Sensual Self (Tarcher/Putnam).


Leora Tanenbaum is writing a book about girls labeled “sluts” by their peers. Her work has appeared in the Nation, Seventeen, Ms., and the Women’s Review of Books. She lives in New York City.


Carol Tufts teaches English at Oberlin College in Ohio. Her work has appeared in Poetry, Potpourri, Sunstone, and the anthology Claiming the Spirit Within (Beacon Press).


On The Cover

Sandro Michahelles is a photographer whose work has appeared in George, Twin Cities Reader, Chicago Magazine, and Hungry Mind Review. He lives in Firenze, Italy.


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