Topics | Parents | The Sun Magazine #107


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Few are born to do the great work of the world, but the work that all can do is to make a small home circle brighter and better.

George Eliot

March 1986
Readers Write

Visiting Parents

A noodle kugel, some missing underwear, a “magic cube”

By Our Readers March 1986
Readers Write

My Biggest Mistake

Not listening to my heart; believing my mother when she said, “Play dumb. Boys don’t marry smart girls.”; not dancing with Nan Zuckerman at the Sixth Grade Prom

By Our Readers February 1986

The Secret Of Life

I recall another day back in junior high. He wrote upon the blackboard large: DNA/RNA. He pointed to the letters lying there like some Kabbalistic mantra, then said, “This is the secret of life.”

By Patricia Bralley November 1985


Before my father died I loved my mother, but now it’s different. I can no longer go to her, put my arms around her, or anything like that. She has become somehow strange to me, and so, not lovable.

By Karlton Kelm August 1985

The Day Of Saint Valentine

And finally you’re a lady. You sleep with your cat, wash between your legs with washcloths, and go to the bathroom with the door closed. Lead weights fall on you.

By Lily Pond June 1985


Halfway up University, in front of Walt’s Drugs, I said, “Mom, I’ve never had an orgasm with a man.” I said the “with a man” under my breath but it got us off placemats. When mother was surprised she’d get a little smile on her top lip.

By Adele Levin June 1985