Dear Readers,

We hope you enjoyed this issue. Pass it on to a friend, or send it back to us with your comments. We want to hear from you.

We’re especially interested in hearing from people who want to write or draw for the SUN. Our staff is small, and there’s plenty of opportunity for others to make their imprint. Write to us, at Box 732, Chapel Hill, N.C., or call Sy at 929-1922, or Mike at 967-1157.

We also need people to sell the SUN. The commission is handsome, the work enjoyable, and you set your own hours.

If you’ve been buying the SUN regularly, we urge you to subscribe. If you really want to help, for $25 or more we’ll make you a Friend of the SUN, entitling you to a one-year subscription and our profound thanks for helping this still-struggling, independent magazine to survive. Let us know how you’d like your name to be listed.

Our next issue, appropriately, is about Money. But we’re interested in receiving articles on any subject, as well as poetry, photographs, short-short fiction, drawings, and any other creative expression suitable for these pages.

Hearty appetite.

— Sy
for the SUN