woman mumbling madly to herself over her company books at Cafe International sucking up death from her Camel while making figures of death in her notebook with the hysterical music rocking from the speaker to give her the illusion of being alive & that she transcends her accounts which of course she doesn’t (too immersed in her calculations to be anything other) as the desperate young counter girl races around getting the orders/ tending the oven/ washing the dishes for no other reason than her $5.00/hr as two leather jackets chain smoke themselves to death to still the pain of returning to the warehouse to put in their day to get their pay & the woman with child feeds him his bottle while dreaming of the money, money, money for his special medicine & a new car & other basics like food & paying the rent as the pretty blonde needs money for cosmetics & the old man needs money for his teeth & the little girl needs money for her new toy & the older boy needs money for a baseball glove & the student needs money for books . . . when God enters Cafe International as a big dollar bill & everybody shrieks with joy & falls to his knees as God goes to the counter & orders a decaf & somebody wails “God, you’ve made it at last! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” & God says “Fuck off! I’m keeping it for myself just like you would!” & as he walks out the door all the people collapse & weep over their emptiness
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