Drunk Again, I Stumble Home On Euclid And Cut Across Thornden Park Baseball Field
I. Tonight the trees bend over like broken old women picking up their husbands’ empty whiskey bottles. The film of sky never runs out of frames, never runs out of dynamism & greased movement — it moves quicker than my blood. Doesn’t it always come to this? — an awareness dancing with my great ignorance. How right now underfoot the moles are squealing, dying, making love, sliding through the dirt that holds me up, holds these trees up, holds itself back, compact, and how goddamn strong the sky is — how sky holds up planets like polished marbles shot into dark grass. A barn owl slides down from the sky onto a mouse — just like that. I round third and head for home. II. Tomorrow I will wake to vacancies I know every inch of, a camera full of negatives; dead whiskey will swirl inside me like a warm rain stirs the sky before sky flashes down onto pavement, soaks the mailman, pours over growling dogs, drenches car dealers, and affects everything that walks through with its perfect wetness.
Hometown: Alliance, New Jersey
On the fading streets of my Alliance the girls with soccer balls cross puddles in their own little rivers of desperation — each one a teenager, each one inheriting the teenage world. The mechanics who watch with eyes as big as their mouths close the hoods on cars as they have closed the hoods on their women, working on them as needed. Everything is beating, beating, beating in this town. The sun has become relentless in its insistence to pin us. The wildflower garden is overtaking the grammar school. And the bed above the tavern cracked the floorboards when another man clenched up into a huge sexual fist with MiMi — Alliance’s first hooker. She’s so good even the German cop likes her. Right now a man hands her ten dollars and she kneels in front of him, changing yet another thing. But what has changed here? The brant geese still return in May, the borders of the river banks still break down every rainfall. Dinner is being cooked, the cooper is closing shop, and in the barnyard a chicken discovers a worm it finds delicious.