New studies reveal Male babies get erections in the womb on the average of five times a day. Deeper inside their Mother is their little fetus boner than their actual Father’s manly stud-meat can penetrate. Closer to their Mother’s heart is their little fetus boner than their Father’s actual giant hard-on ever comes. Too bad, too bad a Father can’t have the miniature living boner of his unborn son inside him, or the miniature living vagina of his unborn daughter inside him. Too bad a Father can’t give birth to a penis from his penis the way a Mother can give birth to a vagina from her vagina. If you had time-machine X-ray vision you could see inside your Mother pregnant with you, the little baby-to-be-that-is-you has a boner. Not till now does it dawn on you You really had erections before you were born, That your penis was alive and excitable before you even knew what a boy or girl was, before you ever saw your face or penis, before you ever saw the outside world or had a name or a personality or daydreamed being a bard, your little member went from limp to hard a thousand times inside your Mother.
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