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Ever since the eighties, when a friend shared an issue with him, Al Bazzoli has been reading The Sun. He’s also used writing from The Sun when teaching at medical school, given gift subscriptions, and donated to the magazine for the past twenty years.
Al Bazzoli and his sons Chris and Ian (left to right). The baby is Al’s grandson Lucas.
Most memorable piece: “Stories of Lives Lived and Now Ending,” by Frank Ostaseski [December 1994], which I’ve often taught to medical students. I regularly quote its excellent advice on caregiving: “Stay close and do nothing.” Just imagine how many medical students have been influenced by this over the years!
His passion: “Service. Every day I try to serve in some way, both as a physician and simply as a person who believes in kindness and compassion. Some days, of course, I’m more successful than others.”
Why he supports The Sun: “Each issue speaks to my heart and evokes real feeling. Every day in my medical practice, I see people who think their way through life and make themselves sick by trying to avoid emotion. The Sun is real. I can feel it. What other magazine could make me laugh and cry?
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