
Derek Askey is an associate editor at The Sun. He lives in Durham, North Carolina. You can follow him on the social-media hellsite formerly known as Twitter: @derekaskey.


Michael Bazzett lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His latest book of poetry is The Echo Chamber, a modern retelling of the myth of Echo and Narcissus.


Doug Crandell has fallen in love with fall crocuses. He plants the bulbs on a little farm in Douglasville, Georgia.


Terry Lucas is poet laureate emeritus of Marin County, California. He recently relocated to New Mexico, where he is completing a memoir and his sixth poetry manuscript.


Peter Markus lives in Michigan. His latest book is titled When Our Fathers Return to Us as Birds, a collection of poems about loss, grief, and the solace that can be found in the natural world.


James Davis May published his second book of poetry, Unusually Grand Ideas, in 2023 and is working on a new collection about secular saints and gratitude. He lives in Georgia.


Emet North has lived in seventeen states and is currently located nowhere in particular, though their belongings are living happily in a storage unit in South Carolina. Their debut novel, In Universes, is forthcoming in May 2024.


Sy Safransky is founder and editor of The Sun. He lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.


Genie Zeiger was a longtime contributor to The Sun who lived in Shelburne, Massachusetts. She died in 2009.



Edward Boches spends most days navigating the streets of Boston, Massachusetts, on his folding bike. He makes a point of photographing at least one stranger a day.


Wendy Cantor McKnight turned to photography after years of enduring the London animation-industry grind. She splits her time between an off-grid house on Crete and a village in the South of France.


William Carter’s photographs are in the permanent collection of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. He lives in California.


Rachel J. Elliott is the editorial associate and photo editor at The Sun. She enjoys hiking with her dog and playing volleyball.


Jennifer Goldring is a writer, photographer, and editor who lives in St. Louis, Missouri. She is the winner of the 2023 Dogwood Literary Award in Poetry and managing editor for december magazine.


Drayden Hebb is a recently retired clinical social worker and small-sailboat builder (just one) from Baltimore, Maryland. She has been making photographs for more than forty years.


Robert Hecht is an octogenarian who makes pictures every day. His credo is “pictures are everywhere.” He lives in Oregon.


Tom Hogeback became enamored with photography the first time he pulled a print from the stop bath in high school, and he has been taking pictures ever since. He lives in Oxford, Ohio, where he owns and operates his own gallery.


Linda Smogor lives by the rhythm of the tide near an Alaskan village that is accessible only by boat or air. You can follow her on Instagram: @lindasmogor.


Cole Thompson is a black-and-white photographer who lives in Colorado. His goal is to create images he loves, and he considers himself lucky if others appreciate them, too.


Paul Vugteveen is a film photographer who lives with chronic illness in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He publishes a free photography zine. You can request a physical copy by emailing him at paul.vugteveen@proton.me.


On The Cover

Cyrille Druart lives in Paris, France. An early interest in art led him to experiment in architecture, graphic design, and photography. He made the photo on this month’s cover in March 2019 while on the top floor of the Comcast Building in New York City. The image depicts a restaurant shaped by successive frames and reflections.



Editor and Founder
Sy Safransky

Senior Editor
Andrew Snee

Art Director
Robert Graham

Associate Editors
Derek Askey
Finn Cohen
Nancy Holochwost
David Mahaffey

Editorial Associate
& Photo Editor

Rachel J. Elliott

Assistant Editor
Staci Kleinmaier

Manuscript Reader
Hank Stephenson

Seth Mirsky

Outreach Coordinator
Anna Gazmarian

Rob Bowers

Associate Publisher
Holly McKinney

Director of Development
& Outreach

Molly House

Reader Services Manager
Chrystal Pitt

Reader Services

Shani Armstrong
Andrew Gleason

With Help From
Manuscript Reading
Dave Hart
Paula Jolin

Erica Berkeley
Jill Cooper

Social Media
Kelley Farris