
Ron Currie only recently realized he’s a philosophical pessimist; despite this, he’s given up all the habits that could kill him. His new novel, The Savage, Noble Death of Babs Dionne, will be published March 25, 2025.


Todd Davis spends part of each sum-mer in Montana’s Anaconda Pintler Wilderness, fishing for trout and foraging for huckleberries. He’s the author of eight books of poetry, most recently Ditch Memory: New and Selected Poems. (todddavispoet.com)


Chera Hammons writes from the windswept Texas Panhandle. Her forthcoming poetry collections include Salvage List and Birds of America. She enjoys birdwatching and spending time with her horses and donkeys.


Didi Jackson lived in Florida for forty years and now resides in Tennessee. She recently became a Certified Tennessee Naturalist. Her most recent book of poetry is My Infinity .


Sy Safransky is the founder and editor emeritus of The Sun. He lives in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.


Dana Salvador grew up on a farm in northeastern Colorado and has worked in urban public schools for twenty-five years. She writes about these varied experiences in her essays and poetry. (danasalvador.wordpress.com)


Heather Swan lives in the Midwest with her family, a German shepherd, and seventy thousand bees. Her obsession with insects led to her book Where the Grass Still Sings: Stories of Insects and Interconnection.


Leath Tonino is the author of two essay collections, most recently The West Will Swallow You. He lives in the Colorado Rockies and spends a lot of time in the woods.



Edwin Barkdoll is a photographer, veterinarian, and tree-hugger who lives in Maine with his wife and three dogs.


Nicholas Bell works in the foothills of Tennessee’s Smoky Mountains, creating images that convey mystery and transport the viewer. (nicholasbellphotography.com)


Jacki Dickert’s connection with nature began as a childhood escape from her seven siblings. The freedom of nearby forests and fields remains integral to her life. (lightdance.org)


Rachel J. Elliott is the editorial associate and photo editor at The Sun. She lives in Carrboro, North Carolina.


Michael Going was a child model in New York City before discovering his passion behind the camera during middle school.


Brody Hartman lives on a farm in Asheville, North Carolina, with his wife, teens, and chickens. He’s at work on a photo series, Portraits of Purpose, and helping reimagine Asheville post–Hurricane Helene.


Robert Hecht is an octogenarian who believes pictures are everywhere. His work appears regularly in LensWork and The Sun. Follow him on Instagram: @roberthechtphotography2.0.


Roshni Adi Jokhi, a Bombay Parsi, lives in the beautiful Northwest. When not working, she loves to travel, meet new people from different walks of life, and take photos. Her one unfulfilled desire is to have a puppy.


Vijay Karai has chased good light for over forty years, often on dark nights. When he’s not traveling with his wife, he enjoys his two pit bulls and curates his slide library. (vjayphotography.com).


Laurie Minor lives in Pelham, Ontario, with her fifteen-year-old golden retriever, Molly. Her resilient camera has survived two drops—though one resulted in a broken wrist.


Megan Napoletano’s work bridges modern life and the natural world. She believes that slowing down reveals everyday wonders. (meganclairenapoletano.com)


Robert McCracken Peck, senior fellow of Philadelphia’s Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, is a writer, naturalist, and historian. His work has been exhibited in the American Museum of Natural History.


Theodore Sadler, inspired by Edward Weston’s work, photographs landscape, wildlife, and night skies while renovating a historic farmhouse in Taylors Falls, Minnesota. (theodoresadlerphotography.com)


Cheri Smithson’s photographic journey began with her mother’s camera. Her work appears in UGA Press and SPIN. She’s on Instagram: @cheris_missin.


On The Cover

February 2025 cover of The Sun. Lone man standing on Zabriskie Point in Death Valley National Park

Cole Thompson took this month’s cover photo at Zabriskie Point in Death Valley National Park in California. It’s from a series exploring the nature of solitude called “The Lone Man.” (colethompsonphotography.com)



Derek Askey
Associate Editor

Rob Bowers
Editor & Publisher

Finn Cohen
Associate Editor

Rachel J. Elliott
Editorial Associate
& Photo Editor

Kelley Farris
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Andrew Gleason
Reader-Services Specialist

Robert Graham
Art Director

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Associate Editor

Molly House
Director of Development
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David Mahaffey
Editorial Director

Holly McKinney
Associate Publisher

Seth Mirsky

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Reader-Services Manager

Sy Safransky
Founder & Editor Emeritus

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Senior Editor

Manuscript Reading
Dave Hart
Paula Jolin
Rebecca Lanning

Jill Cooper