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Todd Davis spends part of each sum-mer in Montana’s Anaconda Pintler Wilderness, fishing for trout and foraging for huckleberries. He’s the author of eight books of poetry, most recently Ditch Memory: New and Selected Poems. (todddavispoet.com)
I like to be reminded—need to be reminded—that my father was young once, that he had a crush on a girl in his one-room schoolhouse near Ladies Chapel, that he looked forward to helping his aunt Alverdia tend bees or pick watermelon from the large patch near the creek, his feet smeared red with clay.
February 2025The mountain in winter enables the kind of sleep that restores, heals, allows brains to solve problems. The days have more than enough darkness to crawl inside.
October 2024Has something we published moved you? Fired you up? Did we miss the mark? We’d love to hear about it.