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Mattox Roesch and his wife sold their house in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and moved to a 340-square-foot home in Unalakleet, Alaska, in an attempt to simplify their lives. They have since learned that simplification is not for the lazy: “It’s a lot of work to catch and process enough fish for a year,” he explains. In addition to being a stay-at-home dad to his one-year-old daughter, Ayuu, he passes the long winters by skijoring (cross-country skiing while harnessed to dogs) and dog sledding.
Go-boy made a knife for his girlfriend. He called it an ulu, and I had never seen anything like it before. The ulu was an Eskimo fish-cutting knife. It was about the size and shape of the bill on a Lakers cap. When Go showed me how an ulu was used, he held its handle and carved up the air with card-dealing slashes. He said Eskimos never wasted any meat because of this knife.
September 2009Has something we published moved you? Fired you up? Did we miss the mark? We’d love to hear about it.