Lightning Allan Brown | The Sun Magazine

Lightning Allan Brown

Lightning Allan Brown has been active in several poetry and translation groups in Chapel Hill. A former instructor in literature and English at the Carolo-Wilhelmina Technical University in Brunswick, West Germany, he is now on the staff of the North Carolina Anvil.

— From January 1983
The Sun Interview

Buckminster Fuller Talks Politics

Evolution will not tarry. The money system doesn’t mean to make changes. Evolution finds that the money system is inadequate and does not express wealth. Evolution is going through with a world market. It’s cutting off the nations, and so the money of the nations will go right along with them.

December 1982
The Sun Interview

Gently Changing

An Interview On Cancer And Health With O. Carl Simonton

What we have our patients do is to take the symptoms of cancer as the illness, and to look for the five biggest changes that they can identify in their lives in the 18 months prior to the diagnosis being made. If they have had subsequent flareups, they look at the six months prior to each flareup. Then, they look at their emotional reactions to those changes. Finally, with each episode, they look at five good things that happened to them as a result of the diagnosis or of each flareup — what they get out of being sick.

November 1982
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