Our Readers | The Sun Magazine #39

Our Readers

Readers Write

Making Marriage Last

Put the marriage first, resist the marriage trap, marry the right person

April 1986
Readers Write

Visiting Parents

A noodle kugel, some missing underwear, a “magic cube”

March 1986
Readers Write

My Biggest Mistake

Not listening to my heart; believing my mother when she said, “Play dumb. Boys don’t marry smart girls.”; not dancing with Nan Zuckerman at the Sixth Grade Prom

February 1986
Readers Write

Other Animals

Amniocentesis, the royal chamber, the head of Horace Greeley

January 1986
Readers Write

Little Lies

The Lilliputians, Jesse Helms, the birds and bees

December 1985
Readers Write

What I’d Most Like To Change

The constant nagging desire to change things; my fear of death; my inner victim into a happier, healthier being

November 1985
Readers Write

My Happiest Moment

Turtles, the pearl of great cost, a blue dragonfly

October 1985
Readers Write


Typographic niceties, OxyGenesis, polo shirts

September 1985
Readers Write

A Simpler Life

Wrapping things up, being a post-menopausal woman, seeing the northern lights

August 1985
Readers Write

Going To Sleep

Fraidy-cats, the Holy Ghost, Mein Kampf

July 1985
Readers Write

My Favorite Joke

A canary with a machine gun, socks, a whiz-bomb

May 1985
Readers Write

Turning Points

A Salvation Army blanket, Texas ninety-degree road corners, the Marble Hill Dog and Cat Crematorium

April 1985
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