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Mr. Bicycle Man, sleeveless clothes, a little velvet bluebird
By Our ReadersSeptember 2001A “gandy dancer,” a shoe-repair store, an annual slide show
By Our ReadersAugust 2001Sister Mary Joseph, an ax and a prized peach tree, a fabric highway
By Our ReadersJuly 2001A late night walk on the beach, Drambuie or bourbon, the dreaded Carrot Lady
By Our ReadersJune 2001Picking out a baby outfit, playing an innocent game, becoming a caregiver
By Our ReadersMay 2001Going outside to blow bubbles; finding a note stuck to a barn wall with a knife; realizing grandfather wasn’t senile
By Our ReadersMarch 2001A still birth, a recipe for orange duck, a young professional pianist
By Our ReadersFebruary 2001Soaking in the tub, getting some privacy, having sex
By Our ReadersJanuary 2001Personal, political, provocative writing delivered to your doorstep every month—without a single ad.
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