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Astrological notation, rows of numbers, and the arcane symbolism of the Tarot filled the page.
By Sy SafranskyJuly 1974Before I went traveling I lived in a house where we banned the word “Enlightenment.” At the time it was the impossible, unreachable, unfathomable dream, and I suppose we couldn’t take the pressure of being held up to our Goal, being only human as we were.
By Cindy CrossenJuly 1974BODY enters world. Spirit enters body. Go.
July 1974Whether life or its meaning comes first becomes irrelevant. Love is meaning. Life without love is meaningless.
By BlueJuly 1974If you look hard enough for a reason to support something you want to believe in, you’ll find it. We select a belief as we do a mate, seeking for that which best reflects ourselves and our needs. Both are fragile and tenuous affairs, but how much more fervently one will hold onto some beliefs, after many loves have come and gone.
By Sue HartnettJuly 1974“Well, is the house still there?” she asks in the morning, rubbing sleep from her eyes. Yes, I think, it’s there: the universe holds together. This morning, as every morning: the house, the street outside, the house across the street: their lives, our lives. What more assurance, what greater truth, can we ask for?
By Sy SafranskyJuly 1974As warm weather oozes into the psyche the deep seated urge for asceticism makes its play for the body’s lifestyle by creating a desire of which I will offer a description.
By Jace HobbsJuly 1974Quite frankly, I never really gave a second thought to any of this “spiritual” stuff until I was studying for my writtens and read some of the philosophy of quantum physics — it was very high and caused my third eye to open up for the first time. Was science really all that different from religion?
By Hal RichmanJuly 1974Personal, political, provocative writing delivered to your doorstep every month—without a single ad.
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