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The bottom line is whether I think I have the power to change people’s minds and the answer is no. All I can do is write my songs, put them out there, and what happens after that is out of my control. The effect that they have is beyond me. My job is to make sure that I write the best songs I can write.
By Howard Jay RubinJuly 1982To set aside the myriad differences which separate us from others, even those we love, and for a moment actually feel their consciousness is unparalleled as an evolutionary tool. It carries us far beyond our fortresses of pride and certainty.
By Steven ForrestFebruary 1982There is an immense sadness to this book, especially at the end, but it is a sadness that is squarely faced and thus in a sense overcome. It is the sadness that the past inevitably has, that these things happened and those did not, a life was given to this and not to that, a happiness that seemed available was not achieved. It is a sadness that the reality of our lives always has, but to find it expressed with such clarity and poignance in a work of art is rare.
By David GuyDecember 1980Muckraking, infamous mergers, the Jeffersonian ideal
By Our ReadersSeptember 1980Personal, political, provocative writing delivered to your doorstep every month—without a single ad.
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