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April 1983Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.
Teilhard de Chardin
They draw me into an arch so that they can run an eighteen-inch horse-needle in between the plates of my spine for an hour or so to get a copious sample of the cerebrospinal fluid. So the doctors can tell my family. What they know already. That I am very sick. That I might die.
By Lorenzo W. MilamApril 1983Each night since the moon passed full / she has awakened just before dawn / from a dream which she ponders then forgets / in the stillness when even the insects sleep.
By Cedar KoonsApril 1983The only way I can make any sense of recent presidential elections is that the most vivid person wins, regardless of content, because too many of us have been dressing our lives in beiges and are suckers for a red tie and shiny shoes that look like relative strength.
By Anne HerbertApril 1983March 1983The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe.
Joanna Rogers Macy
Tai-Chi takes extraordinary discipline and perseverance to gain any degree of mastery, and yet, it’s ideally suited to someone who’s interested in a complete series of exercises to do in a short period of time every day. It’s a Taoist paradox.
By Susan WallinMarch 1983Cholestiatoma is a loving beast; as with other cancers, he comes like a string around the finger, a chain around the throat, to insure that we do not idly forget why we are here. Cholestiatoma (Chole when masculine, Choleste when feminine) lives in my skull between the meninges and the right orbit.
By David KoteenFebruary 1983February 1983The winds of grace blow all the time. All we need to do is set our sails.
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