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Take a look inside yourself and see that there really is no self, unless you create this idea conceptually. Mind is infinite, boundless, and without form. Concepts are form. You can never figure out Mind through concepts because this is trying to limit the limitless. . . .
By Russell McDougalDecember 1978Byron was born and raised in the City, but he was very unhappy there. He went to work every day in an office with bright lights and soft furniture, and though the people he worked with always seemed to have fun, he was usually unhappy. “I feel out of place,” he’d say, and he’d dream of the forests, rivers, and skies he had seen on camping trips to the mountains.
By Bill HerronOctober 1978August 1978One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.
Carl Jung
The sixties seem to have been a disaster period as far as relationships between men and women go, though one thing did come forward. Women began to feel much more confidence in their own energies.
By Robert Donnan, Jeffery BeameJuly 1978July 1978We have to be utterly broken before we can realize that it is impossible to better the truth. It is the truth that we deny which so tenderly and forgivingly picks up the fragments and puts them together again.
Laurens Van der Post
March 1978The political campaign won’t tire me, for I have an advantage. I can be myself.
John F. Kennedy
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