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May 1996Every parting gives a foretaste of death, every reunion a hint of the Resurrection.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Life is a sitcom; our pain is so ordinary, it’s laughable. Almost everybody goes through this at one time or another. The realtor tells me our society is becoming mobile. I agree. But I wish I didn’t have to sell my parents’ house.
By Jake GaskinsMay 1996She comes in at 4:30 and spends half an hour in the bathroom without speaking to you, and you know why she is washing. She walks upstairs to the bedroom and announces that she has found someone else, she has just spent the night with him, and she is moving out. She blames you.
By Stephen T. ButterfieldMay 1996April 1996And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and they were not ashamed.
Genesis 2:25
He would look into the pits the SS left behind and see the grabbing hands and slippered feet, the bloodstained clothes and pale limbs, the wide and frightened eyes covered with a film of dirt.
By Jessica ShattuckMarch 1996On a hot summer day when my brother was eight months old, my father carried him to the top step of the back porch, lifted him over his head, and tossed him into the weeds.
By K. A. KernFebruary 1996Personal, political, provocative writing delivered to your doorstep every month—without a single ad.
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