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Everybody can win in a race, you see, if they’ve all improved their personal records. You’ve seen this in track meet after track meet, there’s the guy who comes in last but it’s a personal record for him. He gets as much applause from his buddies as the guy who won.
By Alma BlountMarch 1978Parapsychology, like every other science, is in the business of doing research. At least as important as research, if not moreso, is publishing. . . . These folks are serious. It’s the right thing to do, of course. If they don’t take themselves seriously, who will? . . . What follows is a parody of the type of article typically found in one of the parapsychological journals, or in any scientific journal.
By David SearlsFebruary 1978Why turn over control of our important bodily functions from an infinite inner wisdom that perfectly controls 25 quadrillion cells in every function every second of the day, to our educated intelligence that has a hard time remembering a telephone number?
By Gordon EatmanJanuary 1978Nothing in my unscientific judgement is more sickening or more dangerous to the human body and well-being than emotions unexpressed.
January 1978I, Arthur Milstein, have had a shitty life. I have found difficulty finding gainful employment. I most recently had a position carving names on gravestones, but I was dismissed owing to poor spelling. I usually spell well but not under intense pressure.
By Karl GrossmanDecember 1977Early introduction of stress recognition and relaxation techniques as part of one’s daily routine could have a significant impact on health.
By Val StaplesSeptember 1977What would it be like if miracles were ordinary, while what was unusual was pain, sickness, heartbreak, anxiety, misfortune, and death? It wouldn’t be Earth, that’s for sure. Or would it?
By David SearlsSeptember 1977Herbal beauty treatments are fun to create, and it’s comforting to know they are pure. Consider the difference between synthetic drugstore preparations and the fresh ingredients of homemade concoctions. I’d rather make my own, thanks.
By Lucia PeckJuly 1977Warm summer weather and more time outdoors bring with them predictable health problems, mostly minor, but nonetheless annoying. I would like to share some “home remedies” which are based mainly on herbal or holistic approaches.
By Val StaplesJuly 1977Personal, political, provocative writing delivered to your doorstep every month—without a single ad.
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