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Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

The Genius Of The Planet

Jealous of the female art of creation, man conjured up the art of the mummified reflection, and so was born the Work of Art: a solid hunk of inanimate matter scratched and battered into a shape codifying his unique understandings.

By Medea (Rob Brezsny) January 1976
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Another Appetite

For what truly feeds the mind and the body comes from a source too many people seem to have forgotten: and that is (pardon the archaic term) the soul.

By Judy Bratten December 1975
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Dear Buddha

What is time and what is space and why are they the window and the door of our existence?

By the editors December 1975
Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories

Armageddon: A Scenario

What’s going on in the next ten years is centered around the Mid-East. That’s the conclusion I draw from The Fatima Prophecy and all the Bible prophecies and the techniques they’re using at the Rand Corporation and the Hudson Institute.

By Ron Tabor December 1975
The Sun Interview

In Defense Of The Human Heart

An Interview With Ron Tabor

On an unconscious level people are preparing themselves psychically for the future I’ve talked about without consciously knowing it, since in the future, political action — except for the revolution of the minorities in the cities — is meaningless.

By Sy Safransky December 1975
Readers Write

Tabula Rasa

Diamonds, mantras, trains of thought

By Our Readers November 1975